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Confirmation of the Existence of Eurya japonica Thunb. (Pentaphylacaceae) in Taiwan

  • Date of declaration:2015-07-28
Chi-Cheng Liao, Mong-Huai Su
Key Words
Eurya japonica Thunb., Flora of Taiwan, Pentaphylacaceae
     The existence of Eurya japonica Thunb. (Pentaphylacaceae) in Taiwan has been controversial
in the past few decades. This taxon was first mentioned in Taiwan by Henry in 1896. Thereafter,
most studies agreed with Henry’s opinion. However, this species was excluded from the Flora of
Taiwan, 2nd ed. In examining available specimens cited as E. japonica in former publications, we
found that all of them should be other species, which is congruent with the view of the Flora of
Taiwan. Nevertheless, when the corresponding author was conducting a field survey on Gueishan
Island in 2003, an unknown Eurya species characterized by glabrous buds, branchlets, and leaves
was collected. By a careful review of the literature and specimens, this taxon was determined to be
E. japonica. Therefore, the distribution of E. japonica in Taiwan was confirmed. In this article, we
describe E. japonica according to our new finding. A line drawing and photos are also provided to
help identify this plant.