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Study on Forestation Technologies in Varied Habitats (4/4)

  • Date of declaration:2018-03-16
  • PI:Fen-Hui Chen
  • Division:Silviculture Division
Research title
Science and Technology Programs(2017)
growth performance;infertile land;fertilization;agroforestry;sustainable management;upland;
一、A study of afforestation technology on coastal infertile land in Taimalee (3/3)
The effect of global warming has caused global climate changes, such as the amount and pattern of precipitation and resulting in drought or heavy rainfall. Such extreme weather will easily caused debris flows that are frequent phenomenons in Taiwan. As a result, the areas become infertile and plants can hardly grow there. In order to solve the problem, we need to conduct a research about how to improve affroestation technologies in infertile land, including finding what kind of trees which could grow better and quicker in infertile land. Not only soil analyses but also microclimate monitoring will be carried out in this project.二、Monitoring and dissemination of sustainable upland agroforestry systems(4/4)
Agroforestry management system can be a solution of balancing agriculture for livelihood with sustainability in upland villages. However, related researches in agroforestry in these areas are not enough and out of date. To disseminate agroforestry, more update of technologies and consensus among different parties are urgent. This project will monitor the growth of interplanted trees, biodiversity, and environmental factors in agroforestry study sites. In order to develop agroforestry systems , the sustainability will be evaluated.