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Building the Product Area of Healthy Seedlings (1/4)

  • Date of declaration:2017-11-10
  • PI:Tsai-Huei Chen
  • Division:Silviculture Division
Research title
Science and Technology Programs(2016)
Nursery;Seed Orchard;Seed Production Stand;
This study investigated the growth of Swietennia mahagoni mother trees in Shinhua National Forest Arboretum and Taiwan Forestry Research Institute Yunshui Workstation. The result shows that the average DBH was 94.5 cm, and average height of tree was 23 m in Shinhua National Forest Arboretum, it was better than that in Yunshui Workstation. We found that Swietennia mahagoni seedlings were big leaves, medium leaves and small leaves three different appearance types. It was not significant differences of average height of 30 month age in big leaves seedling (85.6±17.6 cm) and small leaves seedling (10.5±3.2 mm), but the ground diameter, big leaves seedling (14.5±0.1 mm) was significant bigger than the small leaves seedling (10.5±3.2 mm). Mahogany flowering during April to May, and the fruit ripening during March to April next year. Mahogany seeds could direct be sown in vessels, and should be stored in moisture content 5% and temperature under 0℃. Mahogany seedlings at 22 month age, seedling height between 50-88 cm, ground diameter between 8.2-11.8 mm, and Sturdiness Quotient under <7.5 were fit to be planted. Because Mahogany new planting trees easy being damage by wind, so we should choose the seedlings that Sturdiness Quotient smaller and roots were health and complete to plant. It could raising the survival probability of planting.