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The selection of fire prevention species and building of the vegetative fuel break system(2/4)

  • Date of declaration:2012-06-11
  • PI:Chau-Chin Lin
  • Division:Forest Protection Division
Research title
Science and Technology Programs(2010)
The main purpose of building of the fuel break system is to prevent the danger of fire spread when it ingites. It is necessary to move all the fuels above ground from fuel breaks frequently to keep the function of the fuel break system. However, due to the long term soil erosion, invasive of alien species,landscape and spotting fire concerns of the fuel break system, replant of vegetation in the cureent fuel break system was thought not only prevent fire management but also increase the productivity of forest land. Therefore, the vegetative fuel break sytem was promoted and adapted as an alternative of fire management tool. Species selected to replant on the fuel break system are those that have the properties of fire resistant which can delay the ignition of fire.
In 1968, forest conversin project sponsoned by FAO was executed in Taiwan by Taiwan Forestry Burean. Dajashi area was one of the forest districts of the project to convert the orginail hardwood forest into fast growth species called Taiwan red pine. A total of 11,600 ha was planted in the area. In order to prevent forest fire danger, the fuel break system has been built since 1970. There are five categories of fuel break from width 5 meter to 50 meters. Annually, the cost of cleaning the above ground fuels is about 2 million Taiwan dollors. However, there were 68 fires occurred during 1968 to 2006. Among these fires, 11 fires burned cross the fuel breaks. Thus, the change of the fuel break system to the vegetative fuel break system was proposed and tested.
The main purpose of this proposal is to select the suitable species for build the vegetative fuel break system. Based of the evaluation of the fuel break system and postfire survey, the proposal will review and list the species and collect the seeds to be use. Once the seedlings are breeded, we will test these species in the experiment forest of Taiwan Forest Research Institute. The final goal will be propose a hand book which guides the practice of build the vegetative fuel break system.