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Study of carbon stock and character of soil humic substance under different forest type (3/4)

  • Date of declaration:2012-04-19
  • PI:Tsung-Yao Tseng
  • Division:Silviculture Division
Research title
Science and Technology Programs(2012)
There are acidic (pH<5.5) soils in the three vegetatations. The soil testure of subalpine cold-temperate needle-leaved forests and montane warm-temperate mixed needle-broad-leaf forests were sandy loam; the montane cool-temperate needle-leaf forests soils was loamy sand. The total carbon content of the three vegetatation soils have the following tendency montane warm-temperate mixed needle-broad-leaf forests (346.56 C-g kg-1) > montane cool-temperate needle-leaf forests (119.40 C-g kg-1) > subalpine cold-temperate needle-leaved forests (80.27 C-g kg-1). The total carbon content of humic acid have the following tendency montane warm-temperate mixed needle-broad-leaf forests (46.61 C-g kg-1) > montane cool-temperate needle-leaf forests (36.89 C-g kg-1) > subalpine cold-temperate needle-leaved forests (10.78 C-g kg-1).