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  • Date:2014-04-10
Test Methods and Standards
  1. Species identification and feasibility of identification
    First step is to identify species and feasibility. This method refers to species with obvious tree-ring formation of multi-year-grown ligneous plant in temperate zone.

  2. The samples of cross section
    For tested samples, we need the cross section from each sample tree at the positions of DBH(1.3 m above ground ) and stump(0.3 m above ground ).

  3. The samples of increment core
    An increment corer was used to cut cores 5 mm in diameter from samples trees. From each sample tree, we extracted a pith-to-bark increment core specimen at the positions of DBH(1.3 m above ground ) and stump(0.3 m above ground ).

  4. Tree ring width measurement and cross dating
    After the samples were prepared, based on cross dating of dendrochronology methods for annual tree-ring, tree ring width data were measured using a microscope and the LINTAB system. The tree-ring data were cross dated by visual and the COFECHA software to ensure the quality of tree-ring dating.